~i have been meaning to write about this topic since last week. i just can't find the time or rather, time can't find me because i have been busy playing poker and ikariam while designing.
i admit now, even though it breaks my heart to do
so, that i am addicted to "S".
i didn't say conclude what "S" means you pervs! hahaaa :))
"S" stands for "SALE". gotcha! didn't i?
yes, the sale, the midnight madness, the baratillos, the bazaars, the ukay-ukays.
it seems that i am magnetized by them. i don't know why but most of the time, i spend my money on things that i don't really need. i used to be th
rifty. that was way back when i was still a kid. well, it's true what they say,"with greater power(money, for me) comes great responsibility. i am trying to learn on how to be frugal and not spend so much when i should be saving for my schooling. this is the first step to "recovery", admitting your mistakes.
oh, and by the way high way, when i go shopping with my sister, she always has an excuse for me to stop. she always and i mean ALWAYS needs to go to the RR to poop. haha what an excuse!! you better come up with a good reason now cuz i know your modus-operandi, star! haha just joking.. XD