Saturday, February 21

last night, my hilarious little sister had the pleasure of sleeping with us. i really need her company badly. we've been working long hours for a week now and we don't have any time to unwind. she's all we've got.haha she makes us laugh our hearts including our brains out with her witty jokes. a brilliant girl who has a lot of potentials.
i asked her to sleep over last night, she declined because she was exhausted a from a retreat, but me, being the persistent person that i am convinced her to accept. i had a lot of errands to run but i was desperate for some chill time. i didn't anticipate that we will be spending half of the night working. i thought of maybe having some descent time watching movies while eating popcorn but it didn't happen. lucky me, monday's a free day for my sis so we're gonna have some F-U-N time together... ;p

we watched Yes Man! it was so funny. i actually learned a lesson watching that. from now on, i am going to grasp every opportunity that comes my way. i am going to embrace it with a positive heart and mind. :DD

**buset n blogger, hirap upload ng pics... grrrrrrrr! that's why i made the filmstrip para minsanan nlang pag upload.. :-\

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